Principles of Money Management Logo

Welcome to BUS-121
Principles of Money Management
Thank You for a Great Semester!
Spring 2023 - Eight-Week Session

Southwestern Community College
Instructor: Frank Paiano

Chapter Presentations, Handouts, and Assignments

Part 1:

BUS-121-503 Online Classes Syllabus - Audio Commentary of Online Classes Syllabus - Long Format  Long format in Canvas
Your Humble Professor Introduces Himself  Look for Video for the video lectures and commentaries.
Your Humble Professor Introduces Himself with just audio -  Look for Audio for the audio lectures and commentaries.
A Guided Tour of the Class Web Site - Audio  Uh, it's what y'er lookin' at right now.
Office: 35-115 (Also 62A-104B but I spend more time in 35-115), Office hours on campus: From 10:10 am to 11:05 am (After Introduction to Investments class)
 There will be at least six office hours on campus. The office hours will generally be right after class but we can schedule one when it is convenient for you.
     Thursday, February 23rd, 10:10 to 11:00 am
     Thursday, March 23rd, 10:10 to 11:00 am
     Thursday, April 13th, 10:10 to 11:00 am (coincide with exam #1)
     Thursday, April 27th, 10:10 to 11:00 am (coincide with exam #2)
     Thursday, May 4th, 10:10 to 11:00 pm (coincide with exam #3)
     Thursday, May 18th, 10:10 to 11:00 am (coincide with final exam)
Zoom Room Virtual Office Hours  We will have at least six online Zoom office hours this semester, typically Thursday nights from 7:00 pm to 7:55 pm.
     Thursday, February 23rd, 7:00 to 7:55 pm
     Thursday, March 23rd, 7:00 to 7:55 pm
     Thursday, April 13th, 7:00 to 7:55 pm (coincide with exam #1)
     Thursday, April 27th, 7:00 to 7:55 pm (coincide with exam #2)
     Thursday, May 4th, 7:00 to 7:55 pm (coincide with exam #3)
     Thursday, May 18th, 7:00 to 7:55 pm (coincide with final exam)

Chapter 1:

Chapter 1: Personal Financial Planning
Presentation  Every chapter has a presentation that can be read with PowerPointless, Open Office, Libre Office, or Google Docs
Study Guide - Video - Audio  Discussion of the chapter study guides and how to use Google Docs
Assignment - Commentary
Rubric for Goals Assignment - Commentary
Discussion Forums Assignment - Commentary
  Add your picture to the discussion boards!  We want to see your smiling face!

Chapter 1 Bonus Assignments -- Fun! (All these were done by your fellow students!)
Bonus Assignment / Extra Credit - Examples: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Commentary   Have fun!
   Say No To Tobacco    New Hit Song Sweeping The Nation!
   Cool Video    Check it out!

How to Submit Assignments - Commentary

Awesome Goal Setting Example and Great Quotes
Awesome goal setting example from the South Bay  14-year-old creates a goal and accomplishes it 10 years later
  And the community steps forward to help
Twelve great quotes about finance
Ten Valuable Life Skills  Awesome Ideas for your Non-Financial Goal

Future Value Handouts and Tables  Future value problems will be on exam #1. Study these worksheets!
Future Value Worksheet - Commentary - Answer Key  These calculations are easy once you have done them a few times.
Future Value Tables - (Need for future value calculations)
Future Value Practice 1 - Answer Key  I'm serious! You have to know how to do these calculations!
Future Value Practice 2 - Answer Key  Don't ignore these! They will be on the first exam!

Marriage and Finance
Financial Implications of Marriage
Marriage Killing Issues
Ten Questions to Ask before Getting Married  Complete with beautiful models looking very happy
"Marriage is not a love affair; it is an ordeal"  -- Joseph Campbell

Online Audio Lectures (MP3 format which can be downloaded to mobile device or CD.)
Chapter 1 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 18    Introduction: Personal Financial Planning
Chapter 1 - Lecture 2 - Slides 19 to 39    Goal Setting & the Time Value of Money
Chapter 1 - Lecture 3 - Slides 40 to 47    Financial Aspects of Career Planning

Online Audio/Video Lectures
Chapter 1 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 18    Introduction: Personal Financial Planning
Chapter 1 - Lecture 2 - Slides 19 to 39    Goal Setting & the Time Value of Money
Chapter 1 - Lecture 3 - Slides 40 to 47    Financial Aspects of Career Planning

Online Audio/Video Lectures on YouTube (Closed captioning available)
Chapter 1 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 18    Introduction: Personal Financial Planning
Chapter 1 - Lecture 2 - Slides 19 to 39    Goal Setting & the Time Value of Money
Chapter 1 - Lecture 3 - Slides 40 to 47    Financial Aspects of Career Planning

Chapter 2:

Chapter 2: Money Management Skills: Financial Statements and Budgeting
Study Guide
Assignment - Audio Commentary
Financial Statements Practice - Answer Key  Very similar to questions on exam #1
Financial Statements Practice On Your Own

Creating a Good Password: Good - Better - Best
Creating a Good PIN

Financial Statements: Cash Flow Statement and Net Worth Statement
Excel Spreadsheet - Google Spreadsheet - Video - Audio

Just one simple change  Write down every transaction! It will lower your spending.
Why do Americans have such a hard time saving money?  It depends upon which Americans you are talking about.
But are we Americans really that bad at savings?  We are better than some other countries and worse than others.

Online Audio Lectures
Chapter 2 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 14    Money Management & Financial Statements

Online Audio/Video Lectures
Chapter 2 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 14    Money Management & Financial Statements

Online Audio/Video Lectures on YouTube (Closed captioning available)
Chapter 2 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 14    Money Management & Financial Statements

Chapter 3:
Taxes and

Chapter 3: Taxes and Tax Planning
Study Guide
Assignment - Audio Commentary
Form 1040 Tax Assignment - Form 1040 - Schedule 1  (Similar to First and Second Income Tax Exercises below)
VITA - Volunteer Income Tax Assistance at Southwestern  Hurray! VITA is back for Spring 2013! You can volunteer and get college credit!
Old press release about VITA at Southwestern  

After Tax Worksheet - Commentary - Answer Key  (Lecture #1)

Tax Returns The new IRS forms do not allow any text boxes to be added so we can't sign the forms. Sorry.
First Income Tax Exercise (Use with Lecture #2) - Schedule 1 (IRA & student loan deductions) - Schedule A (Itemized deductions)
Second Income Tax Exercise Instructions  (Similar to First Income Tax Exercise and Supplemental Form 1040 Assignment above)
   Form 1040 - Schedule 1 - Form 1040 Answer Key - Schedule 1 Answer Key

IRS Web Site and Forms  Please use IRS web site for your research questions
2022 IRS Form 1040
2022 IRS Form 1040 Schedule A  Itemized Deductions: The Homeowner's Friend (Or at least it used to be)
2022 IRS Form 1040 Schedule 1
2022 IRS Form 1040 Schedule 2
2022 IRS Form 1040 Schedule 3
2022 IRS Form 1040 Schedule EIC - Earned Income Credit
2022 Tax Tables
2022 IRS Form 1040 Instructions
Publication 17 - Espanol  Publication 17 is a very popular and thorough guide to most all tax returns

Tax Cuts of 2017
It's Even Worse than You Heard
The Rich Get Richer
Tax Cuts Benefit the Ultra Rich, Not the Merely Rich
How the tax cuts will affect you
It's Official: The Tax Cuts Were a Bust

The Mysterious Case of the 7 Million Missing Children
The Carried Interest Tax Loophole  It pays to be rich.

IRS Audits and Appeals
How Do IRS Audits Work?
Doing Battle with the IRS
How far back can the IRS audit you?
The IRS can revoke your passport!? Yep!

Online Audio Lectures
Chapter 3 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 10    Taxes and Tax Planning; How Much Does It Really Cost?
Chapter 3 - Lecture 2 - Slides 11 to 32    A Typical Homeowner's Form 1040
Chapter 3 - Lecture 3 - Slides 33 to 50    Tax Resources, Audits, and Strategies

Online Audio/Video Lectures
Chapter 3 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 10    Taxes and Tax Planning; How Much Does It Really Cost?
Chapter 3 - Lecture 2 - Slides 11 to 32    A Typical Homeowner's Form 1040
Chapter 3 - Lecture 3 - Slides 33 to 50    Tax Resources, Audits, and Strategies

Online Audio/Video Lectures on YouTube (Closed captioning available)
Chapter 3 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 10    Taxes and Tax Planning; How Much Does It Really Cost?
Chapter 3 - Lecture 2 - Slides 11 to 32    A Typical Homeowner's Form 1040
Chapter 3 - Lecture 3 - Slides 33 to 50    Tax Resources, Audits, and Strategies

Part 2: Managing

Chapter 4:

Chapter 4: Cash Management: Savings and Payment Services
Study Guide
Assignment - Audio Commentary
Reconciliation Assignment   First part of the chapter 4 assignment

Reconciliation Worksheet  The reconciliation worksheet is used for the checkbook reconciliation problems.
Reconciliation Practice Problem 1 - Check Register Answer Key - Reconciliation Answer Key
  Presentation: Video - Audio
Reconciliation Practice Problem 2 - Check Register Answer Key - Reconciliation Answer Key

CheckBook Spreadsheets
CheckBook1: Excuse - Google Docs  Spreadsheets make check reconciliation much easier
CheckBook2: Expel - Google Docs  Demonstrates another method to reconcile practice problem #1
  Presentation: Video - Audio

Being Poor Ain't Cheap
It is expensive being poor and "unbanked"  This family shows you why
As explained by the author of Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America
Why it costs so much to be poor
Why 56 million Americans have no bank account  Some research that shows for the poor, banks are more expensive than loan-until-payday outlets
American Can't Fix Poverty Until It Stops Hating Poor People  From the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank
Poverty really is the result of a state of mind ... among rich people
A very good reason not to hide your money at home  One of many, by the way ...

Online Audio Lectures
Chapter 4 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 8    Savings and Payment Services

Online Audio/Video Lectures
Chapter 4 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 8    Savings and Payment Services

Online Audio/Video Lectures on YouTube (Closed captioning available)
Chapter 4 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 8    Savings and Payment Services

Chapter 5:

Chapter 5: Consumer Credit
Study Guide
Assignment - Commentary
Interest Calculation Worksheet - Commentary - Answer Key

Annual Credit Report One free credit report each year from each of the three credit bureaus
Annual Credit Report FAQ
Credit Card Solicitations - Video - Audio
Credit Card Solicitation Images - Video - Audio
The rewards (and pitfalls) of being a Loyal, Obedient Member of the Benevolent Machine
Credit Card Marketed to Students  Free Cell Phone Insurance! Yippee!
Here's what happens when you miss a credit card payment  Plus why do many people miss their credit card payments? "Uh, I forgot."
Just one simple change  and it lowered my spending.
Credit Card Debt is Not Only Bad for Your Finances  It Also Hurts Your Health.
I charged nearly $20,000 to my credit card to help my sister buy a card, all for the points  Ah, did you have the cash to pay it off? If not, those points are gonna' cost you dearly!

Tales from the Credit Card House of Horrors - Commentary
Husband got secret credit cards and maxed them out   What's the most important financial decision you will ever make?
Debt Consolidation Loan  Roll all your credit cards into a debt consolidation loan ... and then run up your credit cards all over again!
LA Times: Statute of Limitations on Being Sued for a Debt
Here is's take on how long a debt collector can pursue old debt actually asked me to put this link here. They must think highly of Southwestern, eh?

How is your FICO score calculated?
Yes, Credit Cards Are Making You a Bad Person
The Dark Side of Debt Collection   Aye! This is some really scary stuff!
$36 worth of Girl Scout Cookies!?   A debt collector goes after someone for $36 worth of cookies he did not buy

A High Credit Score is a Predictor of What?!   Couples with higher credit scores report healthier and happier relationships
You think your student loan balance is bad?   How would you like a $210,000 student loan balance?

Online Audio Lectures
Chapter 5 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 34    Consumer Credit; Credit Cards and HELOCs; Credit Capacity
Chapter 5 - Lecture 2 - Slides 35 to 66    Credit Scores; Identity Theft; Credit Problems and Bankruptcy

Online Audio/Video Lectures
Chapter 5 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 34    Consumer Credit; Credit Cards and HELOCs; Credit Capacity
Chapter 5 - Lecture 2 - Slides 35 to 66    Credit Scores; Identity Theft; Credit Problems and Bankruptcy

Online Audio/Video Lectures on YouTube (Closed captioning available)
Chapter 5 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 34    Consumer Credit; Credit Cards and HELOCs; Credit Capacity
Chapter 5 - Lecture 2 - Slides 35 to 66    Credit Scores; Identity Theft; Credit Problems and Bankruptcy

Part 3: Purchasing

Chapter 6:

Chapter 6: Consumer and Purchasing Strategies
Study Guide
Assignment - Audio Commentary
Example of bar chart bonus point  At Donovan Prison, they have to be creative. No computers!
Bonus Extra Credit Assignment: Television - Commentary  So, how much television do you watch? Hmmm?
I'd Like Some More Things, Please!  Can you list every single item you own? We have too much!
Being Rich Versus Being Wealthy  Ah, what's the difference? There's a BIG difference!
Forbes Expands on the Happiness Equation  Our Happiness Quotient is much simpler.
The Rich Are Not Who We Think They Are  And Happiness Is Not What We Think It Is, Either.

The Wisdom of Calvin and Hobbes
The High Price of Materialism
An hour of TV takes 22 minutes from your life!
The woman is the beer!
Obituary for Author of The Millionaire Next Door
The High Cost of Being Poor
America's Light Bulb Revolution

San Diego Bike Coalition  Come join us! We have too much fun volunteering!
It's amazing what you can do with a bike
High gas prices got you down? Fight back!
Portland Bike Move  Moving by bike is part of the culture in Portland, Oregon

Car Ownership Costs - Commentary - Answer Key
AAA: Your Driving Costs 2022
AAA: Annual cost of new car ownership crosses $10,000 mark
Six car loan mistakes that can cost you money
Our Addiction - Our Neverending Thirst
What determines gas prices?
You want the price of gas to fall?  Stop buying it!

Texting and Driving
How do you get young people to stop texting & driving?  Make 'em do it to pass the driving exam!
Take the pledge to not text and drive

Drunk Driving
If you get pulled over for drunk driving, you had better be loaded!
"Osiffer, I'm not as thunk as you drink I am."
MADD's Pledge to Not Drink and Drive
Take the Pledge! Never drink & drive
Confession: I killed a man

Online Audio Lectures
Chapter 6 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 44    Consumerism
Chapter 6 - Lecture 2 - Slides 44 to 66    Cars! Culture of Consumption Scandal #1

Online Audio/Video Lectures
Chapter 6 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 44    Consumerism
Chapter 6 - Lecture 2 - Slides 44 to 66    Cars! Culture of Consumption Scandal #1

Online Audio/Video Lectures on YouTube (Closed captioning available)
Chapter 6 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 44    Consumerism
Chapter 6 - Lecture 2 - Slides 44 to 66    Cars! Culture of Consumption Scandal #1

Chapter 7:

Chapter 7: Housing
Study Guide
Assignment - Comparing Mortgages Assignment - Audio Commentary   Please review Mortgage Exercises Worksheet below
Mortgage Exercises Worksheet - Mortgage Exercises Answer Key
   Presentation: Video - Audio

Mortgage Amortization Table
Monthly Resets of Optional ARM Mortgages - Video - Audio  Beware the Option ARM!
Mortgage Rates versus Points - Video - Audio  "Pay us now or pay us later!"
Example HUD Final Settlement Document

How much is your home worth?
Zillow - Trulia - Redfin
   Presentation: Video - Audio  Researching home prices using Zillow

For those of us who live in California, Oregon, and Washington
MyShake App  Earthquake reporting application for your mobile phone

Reverse Mortgages -- Buyer Beware!
Some reverse mortgages are pushing some seniors out of their homes
A reserve mortgage / shared appreciation solicitation - Commentary   If it sounds too good to be true ...
Barron's take on reverse mortgages
Consumer Reports ain't too happy with reverse mortgages, either!
Nationstar screws yet another reverse mortgage customer   They changed their name to Mr. Cooper. Does not seem to have changed their lack of ethics.

HOA Horror Story    One of many, by the way.
A Landlord's Horror Story    One of many, by the way.
Very strange solicitation    They will buy your house ... for $100,000 or $200,000 less than it is worth!
  The Ugly Truth Behind We Buy Ugly Houses  Oh, yeah! They are scammers!
Another Leech Who Wants to Screw You Over Bigtime

The good news started to trickle in during 2016
Foreclosures finally falling preciptiously after the 2008 calamity  Will we see 2008 again in 2022/2023?

Property Manager Steals Rent Money  Make sure you receive a receipt for your rent payment every month!
How to outsmart Private Mortgage Insurance  According to Investopedia
Chula Vista's Newest Apartment Comples Opens  Would you want to live here?

Online Audio Lectures
Chapter 7 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 18    Housing, Renting versus Owning
Chapter 7 - Lecture 2 - Slides 19 to 35    Home Buying Process, Mortgage Calculations

Online Audio/Visual Lectures
Chapter 7 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 18    Housing, Renting versus Owning
Chapter 7 - Lecture 2 - Slides 19 to 35    Home Buying Process, Mortgage Calculations

Online Audio/Video Lectures on YouTube (Closed captioning available)
Chapter 7 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 18    Housing, Renting versus Owning
Chapter 7 - Lecture 2 - Slides 19 to 35    Home Buying Process, Mortgage Calculations

Part 4: Risk Management

Chapter 8:
Home and

Chapter 8: Home and Auto Insurance
Study Guide
Assignment - Audio Commentary
How an Umbrella Liability Policy Works - View/listen to first presentation for commentary
Homeowners & Automobile Insurance Liability Worksheet - Answer Key - Watch/listen to presentations for commentaries (slides 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31)

Sneaky ways car insurers raise your rates
New Car Replacement Protection Better than GAP Protection - Commentary
15 Insurance Policies You Don't Likely Need
Water Pipe Repair Insurance? (Only $6 per month!)
Credit card insurance? Is it worth it? (Ah, no. Just another way to soak credit card users.)

DMV Insurance Notices 1 - 2 - 3 - Don't Let Your Automobile Insurance Lapse!

Online Audio Lectures
Chapter 8 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 23    Intro to Insurance, Homeowners and Renters Insurance
Chapter 8 - Lecture 2 - Slides 24 to 44    Auto Insurance

Online Audio/Visual Lectures
Chapter 8 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 23    Intro to Insurance, Homeowners and Renters Insurance
Chapter 8 - Lecture 2 - Slides 24 to 44    Auto Insurance

Online Audio/Video Lectures on YouTube (Closed captioning available)
Chapter 8 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 23    Intro to Insurance, Homeowners and Renters Insurance
Chapter 8 - Lecture 2 - Slides 24 to 44    Auto Insurance

Chapter 9:

Chapter 9: Health and Disability Insurance
Study Guide
Assignment - Assignment Sheet - Audio Commentary
Worksheet - Commentary - Answer Key

Health Care Costs
Health Care Costs Here and Abroad
$5,000 Tummy Ache
Putting a Price on a Doomed Life
To Live Long, Prosper First
19.7% of GDP by 2028? Not funny.
The Drugs I Need!  Funny!

Insurance Companies Are Not On Your Side
Insurance Company Rules!
A $2,500 tube of cold sore cream?  Acyclovir? You can get this stuff in TJ for a few dollars!   The absolute best website for information on diet and health! (There are dozens of good sites and hundreds of horrible sites. Careful!)
Forks Over Knives   Great plant-based recipes

Fizzy Sugar Water With A Brown Crayon Dipped In It Is Not Good For You!
What happens to your body when you drink soda   This is just one of dozens of articles. Search for "What happens to you when you drink soda."
How much sugar is in a can of cola?
The Real Coca Cola Polar Bears   Warning: It's not happy
Another "What happens to your body when you drink a can of Coke"
Per Capita Consumption of Coca Cola: 2011 - 2011 (Showing growth) - 2012
   Coke stopped publishing these when they realized people like me were using the graphs to educate people about how much we drink
   2019 Statistics are sketchy but by 2019, Mexico had reduced their consumption but the U.S. had increased their consumption!
Mexico drinks a whole lot of Coke!
The Coca-Cola Capital of the World is in Mexico!
Mexico reduces soda consumption in just three years by labeling soda with "excessive sugar"
Even National Geographic is warning us about the dangers of sugar
What Eating 40 Teaspoons of Sugar Can Do to You
Coke Tries to Sugar Coat the Truth about Soda
Some good news: Soda consumption continues to decline in the United States

Reducing Your Intake Of Meat Is Going To Help You Live Longer and Healthier
Red Meat Blues
More Red Meat Blues
Even More Red Meat Blues

Why Are Kids Getting Fat?
6 Reasons U.S. Kids Are Overweight
Childhood Obesity  The Center for Disease Control's take on the problem

The Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare, a.k.a. Romneycare)
Covered California -- The California Affordable Care Act Exchange
Shocking! Forbes says that Obamacare is working!
Health Care Reform Analysis
Why do people oppose Obamacare? CNN/AARP Survey
More polls about the Affordable Care Act
Irreverent look at Obamacare versus Romneycare
Romneycare has been successful in Massachusetts
Why we like the Affordable Care Act but fear Obamacare
2015: The Affordable Care Act was 5 years old and Americans were still worried about death panels

Online Audio Lectures
Chapter 9 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 21    Health and Disability Income Insurance

Online Audio/Visual Lectures
Chapter 9 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 21    Health and Disability Income Insurance

Online Audio/Video Lectures on YouTube (Closed captioning available)
Chapter 9 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 21    Health and Disability Income Insurance

Chapter 10:

Chapter 10: Life Insurance
Study Guide
Assignment Sheet - Audio Commentary
Play The Longevity Game!   How long will you live?
2022 Life Insurers Fact Book, ACLI (American Council of Life Insurers)

Quotes, Illustrations, Really Cheap and Really Expensive Solicitations, and 10 Things the Jerks Won't Tell You
Life Insurance Quotes: Video - Audio  Term Life versus Universal Life (One type of Whole Life)  This company still allows you to get a quote without giving your contact info
Whole Life Policy Illustration - Video - Audio   $60 per month for 30 years gives you $17,551 -- Less than 0% interest! (See slide 27)
Really Cheap Life Insurance Quote from AIG - Unsolicited term quote via my e-mail - AIG Direct - Careful! They will want to contact you directly!
Really Expensive Term Life Quote Very solicited term quote -- Never trust a life insurance solicitation that comes in the mail!
10 Things Your Life Insurance Company Will Not Tell You  The Big Jerks!

More Life Insurance Solicitations    Remember: Virtually anything you get in the mail or e-mail will be very expensive or useless or both
Life Insurance Mail Solicitation 1 - Commentary   Life Insurance to Pay Mortgage
Life Insurance Mail Solicitation 2 - Commentary   Life Insurance to Pay Mortgage - Another Example
Life Insurance Agent Solicitation - Commentary   Make $500 Per Day Selling Funeral Insurance!
Life Insurance Mail Solicitation 3 - Commentary   Life Insurance to Pay for Funeral
Life Insurance Mail Solicitation 4   Expensive 10-year Term Life with MIB disclosure
Life Insurance Solicitation via E-mail  $1 ... only for the first month, then ouch! Big Jerks!
Accidental Life Insurance $250,000 for $23/mo  You can get $250,000 for $23/month that pays only in the event of accidental death. Not smart. Big Jerks!
Accidental Life Insurance $130,000 for $19/year?  Only if you die on public transportation. Any other accident is $30,000. Really not smart. Really Big Jerks!

Online Audio Lectures
Chapter 10 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 34    Life Insurance: "Buy Term and Invest the Difference!"

Online Audio/Visual Lectures
Chapter 10 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 34    Life Insurance: "Buy Term and Invest the Difference!"

Online Audio/Video Lectures on YouTube (Closed captioning available)
Chapter 10 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 34    Life Insurance: "Buy Term and Invest the Difference!"

Part 5: Investing

Chapter 11:

Chapter 11: Fundamentals of Investing
Study Guide
No Assignment for Chapter 11

Examples of Account Types
Regular and Roth IRA Account - Roth IRA Account Only - Video - Audio

Annuities suck ...  And you can tell the insurance companies that I said that ...
What is an Annuity  Investopedia's lame definition of annuities (without all the downsides)
Annuity Solicitation - Lunch! - Commentary
What's In It For the Annuity Salesperson! - Commentary
Confessions of an indexed annuity salesperson
You just gave your annuity agent a great vacation!
There’s a lot not to trust about annuities
Too good to be true?   It's probably an indexed annuity

Someone told you a vacation time share is an investment?!
Ha!  Ha!  Ha!  Ha!  Ha!  Ha!
No, a vacation time share is a big hole in the ground into which you pour lots and lots o' money in perpetuity!

Online Audio Lectures
Chapter 11 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 12    Introduction to Investments
Chapter 11 - Lecture 2 - Slides 13 to 28    An Overview of the Investment Universe

Online Audio/Visual Lectures
Chapter 11 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 28    Introduction to Investments
Chapter 11 - Lecture 2 - Slides 13 to 28    An Overview of the Investment Universe

Online Audio/Video Lectures on YouTube (Closed captioning available)
Chapter 11 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 12    Introduction to Investments
Chapter 11 - Lecture 2 - Slides 13 to 28    An Overview of the Investment Universe

Chapter 12:

Chapter 12: Investing in Stocks
Study Guide
Assignment - Audio Commentary  (See chapter 12 worksheet and Researching Stocks below.)
Stock Calculations Worksheet - Commentary - Answer Key
Eighty-Eight Years Ago - Commentary - Don't Peek!

Stock Illustrations - Long Term Investing in Stocks
$100 per month for 30 years
$100 per month for 40 years
$100 per month for 40 years, increasing $10 per month per year
$60 per month for 30 years   Remember the whole life policy and $17,551 after "investing" $60 per month for 30 years?
Video - Audio
Growth Fund of America Prospectus
Growth Fund of America Website

Interested in Researching Stocks? Here are some stock quote websites:
Using free Internet websites to research Ford and other stocks: Video - Audio
  (Use for problems #8 and #9 in chapter 12 assignment.
Yahoo Finance   Not as good as it used to be but still helpful.
MarketWatch   Wall Street Journal's free web site
Bloomberg Finance  Very popular with professionals. Many pay for their subscription service.
CNN Money (Fortune & Money Magazine)
Morningstar   Careful! They will try to get you to enroll in premium services for $30 per month! Don't do it!
Google Finance   Not up to the usual high standards of Google.

Penny Stock Scams
August 2006 Scam - PPTL  From $0.138 to $0.05 in just one week!
August 2006 Scam - DPER  From $0.006 to $0.06 in just 9 days!
      Look up either of these companies and you will find that their stocks prices are now less than $0.00!
March 2012 Scam - PPTF  Changed name to BreedIT, symbol BRDT, and is now hawking Marijuana
March 2012 Scam - VIBE  Now selling for $0.00
October 2014 Scam - THNS  Gonna' be a big ripoff!
Two British Teens Ran "Stock-Picking Robot" Scam
Even Hollywood actresses can get in on the (illegal) action
Yahoo! Advertisement for
  Another AwesomePennyStocks "Penny Stocks Made Me Rich!"
  The same people who are doing the recommending to you are the same scam artists who are selling the bogus stocks to you!
  They "pump" up the price and then "dump" all the shares! It is a very old scam. shuts down after SEC/FBI probe
  Sigh. These scams will never end as long as people are greedy and stupid.

Why do you think they call us "Brokers?"
Are all stockbrokers dishonest?   No, but you need to get a good referral!
FINRA Broker Check   The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority regulates brokers and brokerage firms.
   You can investigate Your Humble Instructor! Just type "paiano" into the first text box.

Stock Certificates
Disney - Allied Signal - Campbell's Soup - Commentary

Untold Riches Can Be Yours Gambling, uh, I mean, Investing in Options!
Online Trading Academy, 42 hours for only $7,400!   That's only $183.33 per hour! (At least it is cheaper than the Dog Therapist from chapter 6.)   These folks have got to be seen to be believed! Chuck and Wendy and Bubba want to learn ya' good!
Scott Redler   These folks use to charge $5,995. Now it's only $99 per month. Older scam but used to have a $1,000 discount!
Optionetics -- Ooops! Optionetics was bought by Tom's Trading Room.   And he won't tell you how much until you give him your name and email address.

Online Audio Lectures
Chapter 12 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 17    Introduction to Stocks; Stock Types
Chapter 12 - Lecture 2 - Slides 18 to 34    Stock Indexes; Numeric Measures
Chapter 12 - Lecture 3 - Slides 35 to 46    Investment Theories; Stock Strategies
Chapter 12 - Lecture 4 - Slides 47 to 54    All Stars of Investing; Careers in Stocks

Online Audio/Visual Lectures
Chapter 12 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 17    Introduction to Stocks; Stock Types
Chapter 12 - Lecture 2 - Slides 18 to 34    Stock Indexes; Numeric Measures
Chapter 12 - Lecture 3 - Slides 35 to 46    Investment Theories; Stock Strategies
Chapter 12 - Lecture 4 - Slides 47 to 54    All Stars of Investing; Careers in Stocks

Online Audio/Video Lectures on YouTube (Closed captioning available)
Chapter 12 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 17    Introduction to Stocks; Stock Types
Chapter 12 - Lecture 2 - Slides 18 to 34    Stock Indexes; Numeric Measures
Chapter 12 - Lecture 3 - Slides 35 to 46    Investment Theories; Stock Strategies
Chapter 12 - Lecture 4 - Slides 47 to 54    All Stars of Investing; Careers in Stocks

Chapter 13:

Chapter 13: Investing in Bonds
Study Guide
Assignment - Audio Commentary
Bond Prices and Yields Worksheet - Commentary - Answer Key

FINRA Bond Quotes (Careful: Choose Corporate for quick or advanced search.)
FINRA Bond Search Page
FINRA Bond Home Page
  Presentation: Video - Audio

Bond Illustrations - Long Term Investing in Bonds
$100 per month for 30 years
$100 per month for 40 years
$100 per month for 40 years, increasing $10 per month per year
$60 per month for 30 years   Remember the whole life policy and $17,551 after "investing" $60 per month for 30 years?
Video - Audio
Bond Fund of America Prospectus
Bond Fund of America Website

Bond Quotes
Municipal Bond Quotes - Presentation: Video - Audio   Los Angeles Times, 7 July 2016
Ford: Mar 09 - Oct 09 - Jun 10 - Oct 10 - Mar 13 - Apr 19 - Apr 20 - Oct 20 - Oct 22 - Apr 23
  Presentation: Video - Audio
Poway: Feb 09 - Jun 10 - Oct 10 - Mar 11 - Oct 11 - Mar 12 - Oct 12 - Mar 15 - Apr 19 - Apr 20 - Oct 20 - Oct 22 - Apr 23
  Presentation: Video - Audio

Online Audio Lectures
Chapter 13 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 24    Investing in Bonds

Online Audio/Visual Lectures
Chapter 13 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 24    Investing in Bonds

Online Audio/Video Lectures on YouTube (Closed captioning available)
Chapter 13 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 24    Investing in Bonds

Chapter 14:

Chapter 14: Investing in Mutual Funds
Study Guide
Assignment - Audio Commentary
Mutual Fund Types Scramble Sheet    (Have a copy printed for online lecture 2) What Are Mutual Funds    The Federal government explains mutual funds.

Mutual Fund Research
Presentation: Video - Audio
   Google Finance    Good for finding the mutual fund ticker symbol and company website.
   Morningstar    Careful! Don't sign up for $10 or $30 or $50 per month!
   Yahoo Finance    Used to be a great website but it still gives some decent information.
   Lipper Research    Was around before Morningstar. Now owned by Reuters.

A Sample Mutual Fund (Online lecture 3)
89 Years of Returns - Video - Audio
The Benefit of Time - Audio Commentary
Worst Day / Best Day - Audio Commentary
ICA Prospectus
ICA Website

Balanced Investing - Long-term Investing in Stocks and Bonds (Online lecture 3)
$100 per month for 30 years
$100 per month for 40 years
$100 per month for 40 years - increase $10 each year
$500 per month for 20 years
$1,000 per month for 20 years
$60 per month for 30 years  Remember the life insurance illustration? $17,551 after 30 years?
  Presentation: Video - Audio
American Balanced Fund Prospectus
American Balanced Fund Website

Offerings of Sample Mutual Fund Companies Performance  (Online lecture 3)
Vanguard Funds Performance
American Funds Performance
Fidelity Funds    Shows over 3,000 funds. Clear the [No Transaction Fee Only] check box and you will see almost 10,000 funds!
Dodge and Cox Funds Performance
T. Rowe Price Funds
Franklin Templeton Funds

Annual Reports and Prospectuses  (Online lecture 3)
Vanguard Funds
American Funds
Fidelity Funds
Dodge and Cox Funds
T. Rowe Price Funds
Franklin Templeton Funds  Choose a fund and then find [Documents]

Online Audio Lectures
Chapter 14 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 8    Introduction to Mutual Funds; Fees
Chapter 14 - Lecture 2 - Slides 9 to 15    Types of Mutual Funds, The Spectrum of Risk versus Return
Chapter 14 - Lecture 3 - Slides 16 to 24    Fund Families; How to Pick a Mutual Fund; Hypothetical Illustrations

Online Audio/Visual Lectures
Chapter 14 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 8    Introduction to Mutual Funds
Chapter 14 - Lecture 2 - Slides 9 to 15    Types of Mutual Funds, The Spectrum of Risk versus Return
Chapter 14 - Lecture 3 - Slides 16 to 24    Fund Families; How to Pick a Mutual Fund; Hypothetical Illustrations

Online Audio/Video Lectures on YouTube (Closed captioning available)
Chapter 14 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 8    Introduction to Mutual Funds; Fees
Chapter 14 - Lecture 2 - Slides 9 to 15    Types of Mutual Funds, The Spectrum of Risk versus Return
Chapter 14 - Lecture 3 - Slides 16 to 24    Fund Families; How to Pick a Mutual Fund; Hypothetical Illustrations

Chapter 15:

Chapter 15: Investing in Real Estate and Other Investment Alternatives
Study Guide
No Assignment for Chapter 15
Worksheet - Answer Key  (Please see slides 12 & 13 in presentation for answer key commentary.)

Real Estate
Real Estate Price Estimates: - -
This scam artist ... uh, I mean, reality show star wants to teach you how to flip real estate.  The cost for this training? Only $34,000!

Precious Metals, Art, and Collectibles
A Couple Stored IRA Gold in Their Home  They now owe the IRS $300,000

Starting a Business - The Ultimate Investment
SCORE - Service Corp of Retired Executives
Accesity San Diego
San Diego Small Business Development Center
CEO of Burger King explains the 3 problems that can hinder a business

Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies
"The Greatest Scam in History"  One of the co-founders of Paypal is not impressed

Online Audio Lectures
Chapter 15 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 18    Real Estate and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
Chapter 15 - Lecture 2 - Slides 19 to 34    Other Investment Alternatives

Online Audio/Visual Lectures
Chapter 15 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 34    Real Estate and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
Chapter 15 - Lecture 2 - Slides 19 to 34    Other Investment Alternatives

Online Audio/Video Lectures on YouTube (Closed captioning available)
Chapter 15 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 18    Real Estate and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
Chapter 15 - Lecture 2 - Slides 19 to 34    Other Investment Alternatives

Part 6: Retirement and Estate Planning

Chapter 16:

Chapter 16: Retirement and Estate Planning
Study Guide
Bonus Assignment - Audio Commentary

Hypothetical Illustrations  Withdrawing money in retirement: The Distribution Phase
   Presentation: Video - Audio
Bond Fund Retirement Portfolio  $500,000 Retirement Savings: Withdraw 5% per year, increasing withdrawals 3% each year
   25 Years - 30 Years
Balanced (Stocks and Bonds) Fund Retirement Portfolio  $500,000 Retirement Savings: Withdraw 5% per year, increasing withdrawals 3% each year
   25 Years - 30 Years
Annuity Retirement - Lifetime Guarantee  $500,000 Traditional Fixed Annuity from TIAA: Withdrawals remain constant for the rest of your life
   TIAA Retirement Illustrations  Create your own annuity illustration from TIAA

Guide to Drawing Down Your Savings in Retirement Tom Petruno, formerly of the LA Times (Excellent writer)
Strategies for Navigating the 401(k) Jungle
How to push for better investgments options in your 401(k) plan
The five biggest lies about entitlement programs
Good news and bad news
How does household debt affect retirement?
It just became easier for employers to dump retirees' pensions
Tom Petruno leaves some parting thoughts

Reverse Mortgages -- Buyer Beware!  Same as from chapter 7 above
Some reverse mortgages are pushing some seniors out of their homes
A reserve mortgage / shared appreciation solicitation - Commentary   If it sounds too good to be true ...
Barron's take on reverse mortgages
Consumer Reports ain't too happy with reverse mortgages, either!
Nationstar screws yet another reverse mortgage customer   They changed their name to Mr. Cooper. Does not seem to have changed their lack of ethics.

You Can't Take It With You!
The Greatest Transfer of Wealth in History   New York Times take on the future of inheritances.
Charles Feeney gave away his fortune before he died.   By the age of 90, he had given away $8 billion, mostly anonymously.

Online Audio Lectures
Chapter 16 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 22    Retirement Planning; Retirement Accounts: 401(k)'s, Roth IRA, etc.
Chapter 16 - Lecture 2 - Slides 23 to 36    The Baby Boomer Generation Retirement Time Bomb!
Chapter 16 - Lecture 3 - Slides 37 to 65    Estate Planning; Dealing with a Windfall

Online Audio/Visual Lectures
Chapter 16 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 22    Retirement Planning; Retirement Accounts: 401(k)'s, Roth IRA, etc.
Chapter 16 - Lecture 2 - Slides 23 to 36    The Baby Boomer Generation Retirement Time Bomb!
Chapter 16 - Lecture 3 - Slides 37 to 65    Estate Planning; Dealing with a Windfall

Online Audio/Video Lectures on YouTube (Closed captioning available)
Chapter 16 - Lecture 1 - Slides 1 to 22    Retirement Planning; Retirement Accounts: 401(k)'s, Roth IRA, etc.
Chapter 16 - Lecture 2 - Slides 23 to 36    The Baby Boomer Generation Retirement Time Bomb!
Chapter 16 - Lecture 3 - Slides 37 to 65    Estate Planning; Dealing with a Windfall
